Thursday, April 01, 2010

Last Meal

Is it possible to binge on broccoli? Because if so, I believe I just did... for what I intended to be my last meal in my thirties.

I would have had enough calories to stay in range and eat a normal dinner tonight, except my bosses thought it would be amusing to get a little cake, scribble Happy Birthday (misspelled) and an "A" on it (not enough room for the whole "Amanda") with decorating gel, and tell me *this* was my birthday cake. Which would be just fine (hey, they don't have to get me a cake) except this was an April Fool's decoy (they really did butcher it -- it was a hoot) and the bigger, prettier one comes tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I had a slice of the tiny one. There's 280 calories I'll never see again. Did I mention it was a pound cake? Yep, and just the fact that it was a pound cake erased its other sins.

But anyway, I was down to about 150 calories remaining for the day, so I planned to have an egg and broccoli for dinner.

What I ended up having was an egg and broccoli. And more broccoli. And more broccoli. Until I ate the entire steamer's worth, the equivalent of a bag of, say, a Publix frozen broccoli bag.

So yep, it was a broccoli binge.

And adding insult to injury, I then finally said the hell with it and ate another piece of cake.

I give. Plan Damage Control starts Monday. For now, I say Let Me Eat Cake!!!


Choreboy said...

Take today for what it's worth dear. After today you'll be too old to binge on anything other than fiber and cottage cheese:)

Amanda said...

Well, you should know... considering your advanced years and all. :)

mcluvin said...

I think the broccoli binge should be fine. Would you rather have binged on the cake and just had one serving of broccoli? ; )

Amanda said...

LOL! Yeah, I'm guessing the binge will be okay. It's the rest of this past weekend that's going to nuke me on the scale.

Oh well. I'm only turning forty once (thank god). Might as well enjoy -- it's all about balance, not deprivation :)