Friday, July 24, 2009

Diet Coke Go Boom

Did you know that if you take a 12-pack of Diet Coke and store it in your car for four or so hours...

in the Florida summer sun...

in a car facing west...

and then attempt to transition it into your refrigerator, that the Diet Coke may not take kindly to that? And it may, in fact, explode in your face?

Yeah, well, I didn't either. I mean, I should have considered it was a possibility, but exploding Diet Coke just wasn't quite on my radar today.

Huh. Lesson learned.

[note: I am so glad I was wearing my glasses while doing this, because that freaking can's blast was directed right toward my eyes... GACK!!!!]


Choreboy said...

I'm not one to say "I told you so" ;)

Amanda said...

You so totally are. :P

Anonymous said...

I had that happen with a frozen one!!! lol

Amanda said...

Hey there Steph -- welcome!

Yeah, I've had it happen with the frozen ones. In fact, a week or two ago I had to clean out the freezer because one had burst all over and there was frozen Diet Coke decorating most of the food in there. But I must say, this was a first for me... LOL

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I've had that happen, too, where I live. And Diet Coke is such a terrible thing to waste.

Amanda said...

It is indeed, Grumpy. Plus I was planning to pack that particular 12-pack for my trip up to GA to pick up my kids after their vacation with my parents. I ended up having to leave my house with a mere 11 Diet Cokes... the horror!

Mauigirl said...

Wow, glad you weren't injured! I have to say that is one advantage to wearing glasses. I've probably avoided a few eye injuries myself that way.

hja60uk said...

I am glad I have given up diet coke!!!! I have just found your blog and it made me smile so thanks!


Amanda said...

Maui, oh yes! My glasses have saved me on more than one occasion. This past Sunday, actually, I was bending down at my closet to pick up The Giant Daniel Cat (who still isn't speaking to me), wasn't watching where my head was aimed, and hit my right glasses lens dead on the handle of a flashlight I have hanging from one of the closet door knobs. That could have literally put my eye out -- yipes!!

And hiya there, Helen! Welcome aboard :)